CED Programs
- AgrAbility Partnership
The National AgrAbility Project is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded program established to help people with disabilities remain active in agriculture. http://extension.wvu.edu/community-business-safety/safety-health/safety-services/agrability - Early Childhood Resource Lending Library (ECRLL)
The ECRLL contains numerous resources for parents, educators, students, service providers and the general public. http://cedwvu.org/resources/early-childhood-resource-lending-library/ - Green Thumbs / Healthy Joints
Green Thumbs, Healthy Joints is a program that provides West Virginia organizations the opportunity to perform community service by making gardening accessible to West Virginians with arthritis. http://greenthumbs.cedwvu.org/ - Maternal & Child Health/Leadership Education in
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (MCH/LEND) MCH/LEND prepares tomorrow’s health professional leaders to serve children and youth with disabilities and the families that care for them. http://lend.cedwvu.org/ - Mentoring & Oversight for Developing
Independence with Foster Youth (MODIFY) MODIFY with CED provides on-going services to youth who are transitioning out of the foster care system. http://modify.cedwvu.org/ - Nutrition & Dietary Services
The Nutrition Services Program works to improve the quantity and quality of nutrition services available to children and youth with disabilities in West Virginia. http://nutrition.cedwvu.org/ - Parent Network Specialist (PNS) Project
PNS primarily assists children and families enrolled in the CSHCN program with educational, vocational and transitional services. http://pns.cedwvu.org/ - Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
The PBS Project builds the capacity of those who support individuals with challenging behavior who have developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and co-existing disorders. http://pbs.cedwvu.org/ - Specialized Family Care (SFC)
The SFC Program is in place to help link adults and children who have intellectual or developmental disabilities with families that are willing to open their homes to them and offer loving family environments. http://sfcp.cedwvu.org/ - Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The TBI Program serves as the state’s designated lead agency for the coordination of services for West Virginians with TBI. http://tbi.cedwvu.org/ - Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
The WIPA Program disseminates accurate information to Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities about work-incentive programs and issues related to such programs, to enable them to make more informed decisions regarding work. http://wipa.cedwvu.org/ - West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS)
WVATS is the designated lead agency that works to enhance the lives of all West Virginia residents with disabilities by providing access to assistive technology devices and services. http://wvats.cedwvu.org/ - WV Family to Family (F2F) Health Information Center
The WV F2F Health Information Center is part of a national information network for families of children and youth with special health care needs. The Center provides help for families who are looking for familyfriendly health care information. http://wvf2f.org/
The CED is the state’s designated lead agency for assistive technology and traumatic brain injury services. This designation by the West Virginia legislature positions the Center to provide leadership in the development of supports, while influencing policy and practices.
The CED is one of 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service (UCEDD) designated and funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, Administration on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities.
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