CED's Supports, Services and Impact
You can hover your mouse over each pie chart piece to see the types of services provided and number of individuals and/or families served.
Total Participants, Family and Professionals Served Through These Services = 80,668
Techincal Assistance - increase capacity of agencies to deliver quality of services – 50,842 (63.0%)
Direct Community Services - provide services to individuals with disabilities and their families throughout the community – 3,788 (4.7%)
Direct Clinical Services - provide services to individuals with disabilities within the clinical setting – 2,545 (3.2%)
Community Training & Outreach - improve service delivery through multiple trainings to providers - 21,529 (26.7%)
Next Generation Training - educate future service providers on best practices for serving individuals with disabilities – 1,295 (1.6%)
Research - improve innovation and best practices in caring for individuals with disabilities – 699 (0.8%)