Mission, Outreach and Dissemination
Educational Mission
- For 20 years, the CED has trained graduate students across disciplines to better prepare WV’s workforce serving individuals with disabilities.
- In 2015, 14 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) trainees received classroom and clinical training.
- 243 students, 30 faculty and providers were involved in courses for the disciplinary Certificate Program in Disabilities Studies and the Undergraduate Minor in Disabilities Studies
Research & Innovation Mission
In 2015, the CED continued to investigate:
- Evolving best practices for serving our state;
- Gaps in services and opportunities to improve the cost-effectiveness of services;
- Evidence-based training methodology
This work was routinely presented at the state, national, and international levels.
Outreach and Dissemination
In 2015...
- 124 new products were developed by the CED for individuals with disabilities and their families
- 111 effective products were maintained and disseminated (educational materials, referral resources, etc.) to individuals;
- Number of consumers using these products collectively in 2015 55,350
- Media products (television show) viewed 3,205,207