New podcast episode: Walking in sib shoes

Allie Saweikis, sister and disability advocate

Monday, May 13, 2024

In this month's episode of the Adjusting the Sails podcast, Allie Saweikis shares her experience as a sibling to a brother who has autism. She talks about the early years of watching her mom navigate the system for her brother, how she was involved as a child and how that involvement led to her future career with the West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS) and shaped the person she has grown to be.

We also introduce Sibshops and SibTeen, virtual workshops for youth who have a sibling with a disability, and hear Allie discuss the effectiveness of a supportive network for siblings.

Adjusting the Sails is a podcast about the lives and specific challenges children with special healthcare needs and other disabilities face along with their families, caregivers and service providers, and how to manage those challenges. The podcast is a platform for all disability-related topics to be discussed and serves as a mediator between families and caregivers, allowing them to share their stories and experiences. Adjusting the Sails features guest speakers, panelists and a variety of program representatives and service providers to offer education and training to the listener.

This podcast is sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Maternal, Child, and Family Health/Children with Special Health Care Needs Program and the West Virginia Family 2 Family Health Information Center and produced by the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities.

Listen to the episode.

View the transcription.