CED Ability Grand Rounds - March 12, 2024

Why genetics matter: genetic contributions to the developmental journey

Friday, February 16, 2024

WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities Grand Rounds webinar

When:  March 12, 2024
2-3 p.m. EST

Topic: "Why genetics matter: genetic contributions to the developmental journey" 

Presenters: Radhika Sawh, Certified Genetic Counselor, Continental States Team Lead, New York Mid-Atlantic Caribbean Regional Genetics Network

Alissa Bovee Terry, Genetic Counselor, NYMAC Regional Genetics Network

Learning objectives:

  1. Define basic genetic concepts
  2. Explain how genetic changes can impact development/health
  3. Describe how genetic services can benefit families

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. It is recommended that you also join by phone to avoid audio delays due to bandwidth.

For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please email lcottrell@hsc.wvu.edu
Grand Rounds are an important teaching tool that helps our teams and other disability service providers keep up to date in evolving areas that may be directly related to, or associated with our core practice. The CED hosts a variety of state, national and international experts to share information and provide opportunities for discussion.

Learn more: https://cedwvu.org/education/ability-grand-rounds/

View Grand Rounds Archives: https://cedwvu.org/education/grand-rounds-archives/

2024 Grand Rounds Presentations

All webinars will be at 2:00 p.m. EST unless noted otherwise.

April 9th
Presenter: Dr. Grace Brannon
Title: Patient/family-centered communication in health encounters in families with children with disabilities and/or chronic conditions
May 14th
Presenter: Dr. Cara Molyneux
Title: Reflections from the UK: Why employer flexibility matters to the recruitment, retention and progression of disabled workers
June 11th
Presenter: Jenna Beffel
Title: Caregiving experiences of typically developing siblings of individuals with disabilities

Event Date: 03/12/2024 from 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM