Education and Training

CED Ability Grand Rounds

CED Ability Grand Rounds are an important teaching tool that helps our teams and other disability service providers keep up to date in evolving areas that may be directly related to, or associated with our core practice. The CED hosts a variety of state, national and international experts to share information and provide opportunities for discussion.

Reflections from the UK: Why employer flexibility matters to the recruitment, retention and progression of disabled workers

May 14, 2024
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST


Dr. Cara Molyneux
School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds
Leeds, UK

Learning Objectives

  1. To share insights from interviews with smaller-sized UK employers on their experience of being flexible during the recruitment and employment of disabled workers.
  2. To consider the value of comparative international research: How best to capture and share case study examples of inclusive employment policy and practice?

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It is recommended that you also join by phone to avoid audio delays due to bandwidth.

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SAVE the DATE Upcoming Grand Rounds Presentations!

All webinars will be at 2:00 p.m. EST

  • June 11th
    Presenter: Jenna Beffel
    Title: Caregiving experiences of typically developing siblings of individuals with disabilities

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