Disability Studies Badge

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this experience, individuals will be able to:

  1. Define and discuss disabilities using national, state, and campus information.
  2. Describe and discuss the ways in which a disability impacts (and is impacted by) the individual, family, neighborhood, and larger society; and
  3. Discover and strategize ways in which we, as individuals, can contribute to the development of a universally supportive environment.
  4. Execute advocacy for self and others in one’s teaching, service, and/or research activities through their role as faculty or staff.


Recipients must complete the curriculum below to earn this badge


  1. Individuals interested in this micro-credential may sign up here.
  2. Individuals enrolled to complete the micro-credential will be assigned an advisor (from the WVU CED faculty listing) who will help them navigate the process and address challenges or questions that may arise. The individual will work closely with their advisor to record activities toward the badge and successful implementation of the lessons learned.

This micro-credential is developed as a series; however, an individual may enroll in a single badge based on time and other limited resources. The badges build upon one another, so we would require individuals to start with the first badge, Disability Awareness regardless.

Program Elements and Evaluation

(1) Disability Awareness (times are estimated for review process)

To be awarded micro-credential:

  1. Successfully review and complete select content from the following:
    • DISB 380 Disability and the Family OR DISB 385 Disability and Society 
    • PUB 202 Social Determinants of Health 
    • SOWK 147 Human Diversity 

    *Note: you do not need to register for these classes through WVU the content will be provided

  2. Choose at least two of the free webinars at (1 hour): https://www.respectability.org/events/webinars/#AccessibilityandEtiquette and provide a one-page reflection on each. A grading rubric will be provided.
  3. Identify one aspect of the university system (e.g., campus structure, processes, admissions, student retention, peer support). Consider the Americans with Disabilities Act (https://adata.org/learn-about-ada) and provide your perception of how that policy is represented. Provide examples, resources, references, and other evidence to support your review. A grading rubric will be provided. (3 hours)

(2) Disability Advocacy: Application

  1. Successfully review and complete select content from the following:
    • DSGN 320 Design Ethics and Social Responsibility
    • PUBH 260 Principles of Patient Navigation

    *Note: you do not need to register for these classes through WVU the content will be provided

  2. Successfully complete the Project DOCC Simulation through the WVU STEPS Center (3 hours)
    • Complete baseline and post-experience evaluations
    • Write a two-page reflection paper on the experience and ways one could tailor their service to be more patient-centered.
  3. Provide at least 10 hours of service learning within the WVATS Demonstration Program. (10 hours)
    1. Shadow AT Specialists while conducting individual assessments, device demonstrations, and trainings
    2. Develop a draft of a technical report about a AT item of choice for dissemination in a newsletter or other format
    3. Write a two-page review of an AT device comparing variations of the device by effectiveness, cost, and access to those in WV

(3) Disability Advocacy: Creation and Impact

  1. Complete Person First Language and Accessible Design Trainings.
    1. Develop your own accessible Powerpoint (or compatible software such as Keynote, Pages, etc) presentation on a topic of your choice. A grading rubric will be provided.
    2. Develop your own accessible Microsoft Word document on a topic of your choice pertaining to disability and our community. A grading rubric will be provided
  2. Successfully complete 15 hours of service learning with the Country Roads Program (virtual or in person)
    1. Serve as a peer mentor for Country Roads students
    2. Complete reflection paper about experiences as a peer mentor (no more than 10 pages). A grading rubric will be provided.
  3. Complete at least one of the webinars focused on advocacy in areas such as voting, personal rights, medical access, civic engagement and more (2 hours)
    1. https://www.respectability.org/category/webinars/advocacy-webinars/
    2. Develop reflection paper about webinar (4 pages). A grading rubric will be provided.
  4. Complete a final project that proposes a tool, device, process, policy, or other format needed to address a gap in disability services. This project will start with a proposal of the product justifying why the item is needed and how it will be implemented. The project will also an initial review of the product by peers and modifications that may be done to strengthen the product before expanding. The proposal grading rubric will be provided. (5 hours)
    1. Draft of proposal
    2. Disability audience review
    3. Modifications of proposal – final version

For more information contact Dr. Lesley Cottrell at lcottrell@hsc.wvu.edu