Mind the Gap Parent Education and Support Group: Monthly virtual group offers guidance and support for families who have a child on a waitlist for autism evaluations or services. Parents who are concerned their child is showing signs of autism spectrum disorder are also welcome to join and learn more.
My Autism Team: Social network for parents of kids with autism. Gain practical advice and insights on managing treatments or therapies for autism.
UnPuzzled Parents Connect Support Group: Monthly virtual support group meetings for parents provided in a non-judgmental and accepting environment. The goal of the group is to create connections and foster friendships among people who share similar experiences and are eager to support families. A wide range of resources, trainings and guidance are offered to help navigate challenges. They also operate a Facebook page.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Strives to create safe and inclusive spaces for individuals to feel empowered on their own path to wellness. This link shows West Virginia support group meetings.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Greater Wheeling: An organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. They offer support groups for families and youth focused on mental health, grief, suicide prevention and more.
Circle of Parents Support Groups: Support groups where anyone in a parenting role can openly discuss the successes and challenges of raising children. Weekly virtual options and some in-person options throughout the state available.
Parent to Parent (P2P) of West Virginia: A volunteer matching program for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs. P2P of West Virginia connects families of children with special healthcare needs to a trained, volunteer support parent who has been on a similar journey.
Parent Strong Support Groups: Free support groups for parents to connect with other families experiencing similar issues.
Sibshops & SibTeen Workshops: Monthly virtual groups where siblings of individuals with disabilities can make friends, have fun and learn about services their siblings may receive. Sibshops are for children ages 7-12 and SibTeen workshops are for children ages 13-17.
Brain Injury Group (BIG) of West Virginia Caregivers Group: A safe and confidential place for caregivers and family members supporting their loved one with traumatic brain injury, to share and learn from one another. Virtual meeting held the last Friday of each month from 12-1 p.m.
Brain Injury Group (BIG) of the Eastern Panhandle: Provides space to explore the experiences and challenges of living with a brain injury. Virtual meeting held the second Monday of every month from 6:30-8 p.m.
Brain Injury Group (BIG) of Southern West Virginia: Provides space to explore the experiences and challenges of living with a brain injury. In-person meeting held the third Tuesday of every month from 12-2 p.m. at the United Methodist Temple located at 201 Templeview Dr. in Beckley, WV.
Brain Injury Group (BIG) Statewide Group: Provides space to explore the experiences and challenges of living with a brain injury. Virtual meeting held the first Thursday of each month from 6-7 p.m.